Saturday, July 30, 2005

Don't bet on it!


servant said...

Shamrocks (clover) have three leaves. The number 3, of course, is significant in the Christian religion, because of the doctrine of the Trinity. Irish legend has it that the missionary, Saint Patrick demonstrated the principle behind the Trinity using a shamrock, pointing to its three leaflets united by a common stalk. This much we can say about Irish shamrocks, however. By definition, for a clover to represent the Trinity, it would have to bear 3 (and only 3) leaves. So for all the good luck they allegedly bring, 4-leaf clovers technically can't be considered shamrocks!
What do the 3 leaves symbolize? One leaf is for HOPE... The second for FAITH... The third for LOVE... And the fourth for LUCK! I suppose it is only those who reject the first three that need to do all the searching for a fourth! "Good luck!" :)

servant said...

... just in case you are wondering, this is a very good image of "luck." Just like this photo, it doesn't exist. This is actually a "creation" using a real shamrock and copying, adjusting and shading the third leaf and putting it on the right side. The clover flower is also an added feature to this photo by cutting and pasting it into the picture. It was and idea I received from another photo I saw done by Kathy McCallum. Thanks, Kathy :)

servant said...

Just a note: Thanks to "" for the info on shamrocks above.